Hear how clients have been impacted by Second Spring retirement coaching
“At the first coaching session I was in a state of mild panic that I had lost my part-time job and really needed to quickly find new employment. Through the coaching process I focused on how to do this and also started to think about whether I wanted to continue to work or should fully retire.
In coaching with Dani, I found peace of mind and a sense of calm. I had been able to discuss and verbalise my thought process with someone detached from my daily life and with experience to guide me through to this stage of my life.”
Mike, 68, Suffolk
“My sessions with Dani were incredibly useful. She helped me bring into sharp focus the ideas and thoughts that I'd had for this stage of my working life, but which had been quite hard to pin down.
After each session I came away with a much more clearly defined goal, and clear steps on how to head towards it.
Dani is a really warm and engaging person to work with. I valued her honesty and insight and I'd recommend her to anyone.”
Darell, 55, London
“Working with Dani challenged me to make decisions, create plans and take action. Taking action is something I’ve struggled with in the past year or so and it’s been a really positive experience to get going with things again.
As a result I have had some wonderful experiences, made new connections and have come to some conclusions about where I want to be in the next few years.
I found the whole process incredibly valuable in motivating and empowering me.”
Rachel, 52, London